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2024 Kickoff Blog: Life and Career are about Change and Evolution

In the start-up part of my career and practice, I took on almost anything that was asked or offered to me. Whatever the request I was going to meet it. Getting experience, building a reputation, and let’s be honest, revenue, were really high on my priority list. What I wasn’t focusing on was learning, fit, and impact. It’s not that these weren’t concepts that I valued or understood, but I was just hyper-focused on the first three.

Luckily, I am someone who likes to reflect and to write. Each year I would think about what the great moments and experiences were, and what the not-so-great ones were as well. I would often write about them. Sometimes they may have turned into a tweet or a blog, but other times it was just for me to reflect. So…I ended up learning. Specifically, I learned about what it is that I’m doing when I’m at my best and where I can create the biggest impact.

I’m a believer in focusing on core values. What is it that we care most about? The things that we prioritize simply because we can’t help ourselves from prioritizing those things. For me, I’ve realized that mine are (1) Family (2) Health – physical and mental (3) Genuine care for my clients’ well-being. 

I often use this same core-values exercise with all my individual clients and teams. The goal is to assess whether we’re living and functioning (our actions, behaviors, and time) in alignment with these core values. If we are we are probably living a successful life and career. This is the best way to define fulfillment…at least in my view. 

So, for 2024, I’ve reflected, and I know that I’ve evolved.  I’m in a much greater position to understand what I should and should not take on. When I get a request there is a part of the conversation that may shift from what the client thinks they may WANT and instead we reach an understanding of what they NEED. 

I know that as a company we NEED to go further. Here is what WellPerformance will be focusing on in 2024:

  1. Positively and practically impacting organizations/teams through supporting their leadership.  I have begun working with more Head Coaches, Assistant Coaches, and Executives in 2023 and our goal is to double that in 2024. Coaches need coaches so that they can give their absolute best to those they lead and do it in the most psychologically healthy way possible.

  2. Being proactive in our work. WellPerformance is focusing more time and resources to youth athletes (approximately ages 10-15). This is proactive work as there may or may not be a challenge just yet, but it’s the best time for these young athletes to build effective life-long mental skills. We have added a new member to the staff, and the goal is to bring on additional new Sport Psychologists or Mental Skills Coaches throughout the year and moving forward. 

  3. I am focusing a portion of my work on building my Elite Client Services. These are my pro athletes that I work directly with. WellPerformance is part of their personal “Performance Team Staff” and we work year-round. This is tailored programming for athletes who recognize that mental training is a fundamental aspect of their overall performance, understanding the importance of consistent mental training and ensuring that mindset, habits, routines, leadership, role, and career choices align with aspirations and potential. The goal is that WellPerformance gives these clients the highest priority and level of service fully integrated with the strength coach, technical coach, and any physical therapists that the athlete also has as part of their team. 

By creating this focus for 2024 we know that we’ll be providing the work that has the most applicability, aligns with our strengths, and focuses on what we know to create the greatest impact. 

Please feel free to reach out to us as we’re excited and dedicated to supporting you in becoming your healthiest and most highest-functioning selves in 2024 and beyond. 


Stuart Singer, M.Ed., and PsyD (ABD) is the Director of WellPerformance, a Mental Performance Coaching and Consulting practice, and the creator of the DoSo app . For more information regarding this topic he can be contacted at or follow him on X @wellperformance, or Instagram: @wellperformance

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